Thursday, November 13, 2008

Goofing Off

Today I spent the day just goofing off with the boys & then worked on my blog changing it up a little. Getting ready for the next set of pain drillings into my back on Monday. If it work's like he said it should I will be jumping for joy if not I will be ready to give up. So since I won't be able to play with the kids Monday & maybe a few days later I want to take the next few days and goof off. I will still clean my house & run a few a errands but I wanna just play. Like tomorrow will pay with boys all day and Emilee after school & then "Girls Night" with my good friends to celebrate the birth of her 3rd little boy. And it's at the Cheesecake Factory & yes I don't need it but I will be having a piece of Pumkin Cheescake my favorite. Saturday Ice Skating lesson's & then hope to get the Christmas out & have family goofing around. Then Sunday church & a blessing from my wonderful hubby who, always has the spirit around him. And then dinner & hanging out with the kids. I plan on fully goofing around the next three days.


Carol Swift said...

You deserve pumpkin cheesecake if you're getting your back drilled on (in fact, you should have two pieces.) Good luck and hope it makes you feel better!

Michelle said...

Hi Laurie! I'm glad you're blogging. I can't believe you are still having problems with your back. I hope it gets back to normal if that's possible.
You look really good though. I can't believe how big your kids are! The boys look JUST like Rod! Email me at: and I can add you to my blog.

Missy said...

Ooh, good luck on Monday! I couldn't even imagine!
The corn maze sounds fun. We'll have to try it out next year. And, we love Iceberg!!

Marina said...

Let me know if you need anything. I'll be praying for you..until then have LOTS of fun!!

Melissa Dunsmoor said...

Good Luck today! Hope everything goes well. Hope you had a great weekend

Cherise said...

That is so crazy that you are still having problems with your back!=( I'm sorry, and I hope that this time it does work!
I'm glad you are able to just go and goof off with the kids, I bet they are having a blast! Good luck and take care. Keep us updated on how your feeling!